For those of you who have been to stores, you have seen those special paper bags. Kraft paper bags, and they are sooooo great! When shopping, the store helper may dispense your items in one of these bags. These are not your regular bags — these are durable and can carry plenty of stuff.
They are made from biodegradable materials. We Love Them, because they are just great for our Planet Earth! We are saving the trees, we are saving the trees because these bags are recycled. A kraft paper bag is something good for the environment every time we use it.
These bags also seem to be extremely durable. You can put heavy gifts inside them, and they won’t crack or rip. This means that your gifts will always look perfect when you give them to someone you care about.
Choosing the Right Bag When You Want to Gift Find the perfect bag for your gift. Not too big, not too small. Bags come in every color and shape imaginable.
Looking to give your favor bag some extra fun? You are capable of doin big stuff! You now have a colorful image with stickers. Illustrate a comedy cartoon or a sweet artwork. Ribbons can be used to create a beautiful bowl.
Another good idea: writing the person’s name on the bag. This explains that you thought a little more about your gift.” Everyone likes to feel special!
And these bags are not only fun - they are inexpensive! You can cover the bag in cat stickers if you like cats. Maybe draw a cute kitty face. If your friend really likes sports, you can draw a basketball or soccer ball.